Just Keep Writing

Just Keep Writing

Sabtu, 12 November 2016

Pop up request - Android update 3.10.40-ge42477w

Okay, beberapa hari belakangan gue risih banget sama pop up yang nongol di android gue. So, gue carilah solusinya di Mbah Google. Nah, gue dapetin pertanyaan yang sama dengan yang pengen ajuin di suatu forum android. Gini bunyinya : "My Note 4 pops up the message, Android Update 3.10.40-ge42477w and wants me to update. Is it safe to update? When the popup is displayed, it disables all functionalities on the phone and the only way i can temporarily get rid of it is to reboot my phone. This popup comes up at 3-5mins intervals.
Please advise if i can proceed with the update. If not, how can i permanently get rid of the popup?"

Pop up request - Android update 3.10.40-ge42477w-android-update-pop-up.jpeg

 Pop up request - Android update 3.10.40-ge42477w-android-update-pop-up2.jpeg

dan inilah solusi yang dikemukan Farrel M Athawiandra untuk mengatasi pop up itu :

Have the same too.This caused by an app. I think this must been Hummingbad or Android Marcher.But i got a solution for this.Just follow the steps.
1.Find a folder named "database"
2.You'll see few files with one .apk file BUT DO NOT INSTALL IT.
3.Open all files execpt the .apk ones as a text file
4.In one file,you will see a name of one of your installed app,but something like com.xxx.xxx.xxx
5.If you know that app name and you know you installed it,UNINSTALL IT NOW.
6.That "database" folder should gone.But if not,delete it.Yeah,permanently delete it,not to the recycle bin.
7.Voila! That notification wil gone FOREVER.
Don't believe me? Just restart the phone after you do it.
Mine is caused by slither.io

Kalo mas Farrel kan masalahnya di aplikasi slither.io, nah di gue masalahnya itu di aplikasi B612. Loh kok bisa? Sama, gue juga bingung soalnya kan itu aplikasi yang masih berhubungan dengan LINE :') Yah, mau nggak mau gue harus uninstall aplikasi B612 :3


Repost from http://forums.androidcentral.com/ask-question/723091-pop-up-request-android-update-3-10-40-ge42477w.html

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